We celebrated Samantha's 13th birthday this past weekend. Since her birthday falls near Halloween she usually gets a Halloween party but this year we decided no birthday parties just family outings. The birthday child gets to decide the destination. Samantha chose Disneyland, har har that wasn't going to happen. Her next choice was to go to CSI: The Experience, unfortunately the little guys couldn't enjoy it so we opted for her last choice which was mini golf. We love to mini golf as a family and it's something even the littlest guy can enjoy.

It was a little toasty and really, really crowded which made for a less than ideal experience. Here the kiddos are waiting for Gabe to take his turn.

The golf clubs made handy weapons and shovels for the sand pits. Luckily no one got whacked in the head with one, so we call that success!!
Fun! Were those cupcakes in the shape of flowers? Yeah for family birthdays!
yes they were flower shaped cupcakes...we wanted Halloween cupcakes all together in something like that but those were too cute to pass up
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